Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weekend schedule

There's a variety of different activities planned for our weekend. We will kick things off Friday March 20 with a talk by Shirley Sahrmann in conjunction with the Irma Ruebling Distinguished Speaker Series. Her talk will be followed by a gathering that will include free appetizers and drinks (yes, that includes wine and beer).

Saturday we'll have several options. Those who bring their younger children in town can check out some of the St. Louis attractions in the AM--the zoo, Arch, etc. In the afternoon, we'll have some carnival-style games, balloon animals, and the like. There will also be some presentations by various faculty members going on throughout the day, as well as one by 05 grad Chris Bennett on his experience as a military PT in Iraq. Lunch will be catered from Pappy's BBQ (it is near the new Arena and just opened last year). Saturday evening will be free time to meet up with classmates for dinner and whatever else you would like to plan.

Sunday, we will have our own Mass in the Chapel in the basement of College Church as well as brunch.

All events are free. Pass it along to all alums. The weekend can be as much fun or as educational as you want. It all depends on what you're looking for.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Thanks to my co-worker and fellow alum, Andrea (Arlinghaus) Holliday (MPT '05), anybody on Facebook can post on the even site, see who else is attending, and make plans to get together over the weekend in March: make sure you tell all your friends.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

10 Weeks Left

We're finally through the Holidays, hope everyone had a great time. Our planning committee is hard at work finalizing details for our big celebration weekend in March. Invitations will be sent out in the next few weeks. For those of you heading to CSM in Las Vegas, make sure to come to the Wednesday night gathering held by the Jesuit schools and pick up some pretty cool freebies with our 75th anniversary logo.